Thursday, January 5, 2012

Go Green!

Going ‘green’ is a matter of personal choice, and that choice can impact the world. All of us intend to leave legacies for our children, of the material kind but what about the environment they live in?

 Preservation of a healthy, happy atmosphere in the lives of our children is as important as leaving homes and possessions for them. 

Every small step you take to go green at home and at work, helps preserve the universe your kids will grow in!

Hard Facts about Disposable Diapers:

-          200,000 trees each year are lost to the manufacture of disposable diapers for babies in the U.S. alone.

-          It takes 3.4 billion gallons of fuel oil every year to make diapers.

-          Disposable diapers take about 500 years to decompose.

-          Decomposing diapers release methane into the air. High concentrations of the gas can be explosive and flammable. Methane is also dangerous to breathe in because it replaces oxygen.

-          Disposable diapers often contain dyes and dioxin, which is formed as a by-product of the chlorine bleaching process.

Yes your most basic requirement as a parent is causing this kind of damage to the same world your children will become parents in!

Go Green at Home

-          Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs (CFLs) when your older incandescent bulbs burn out. CFL’s last longer, consume less electricity and don’t create any heat.

-          Wash vegetables in a bucket of water, use the waste water to water your home plants.

-          Pack lunches and sandwiches in baking sheets of butter paper instead of plastic wrap.

-          Invest in high-quality, long-lasting products. You might pay more now, but you'll be happy when you don't have to replace items as frequently.

-          Keep your cell phones, computers, and other electronics as long as possible; they contribute considerably to hazardous waste.

Choose Cloth Diapers to Go Green 

-          Cloth diapers are reusable

-          Cloth diapers are made with natural materials

-          Cloth diapers do not contain chemicals and derivatives

-          Cloth diapers are bio-degradable

-          Quality cotton diapers will hold up for hundreds of washes, and can be saved for the next child.

-          Although energy is required for washing the diapers, it is a fraction of the energy used for disposables.

-          Cloth diapers are also recyclable, making excellent cotton rags once they are not needed as diapers.

It is all about that one informed choice!

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