Friday, October 19, 2012

What Do I Need for Cloth Diapering? 5 Must-Haves When Using Cloth Diapers

Continuing with our series on cloth diapering FAQs, today we’ll be answering yet another common question that parent have about using cloth diapers – “What all do I need?” We understand. Getting started with cloth diapers may seem overwhelming and as if you need to buy a LOT. However, if you are prepared and know why you need what, you’ll be calmer and more confident when using cloth diapers. So, here is an overview of everything that you may need when cloth diapering:

Cloth Diapers and Inserts

Of course. However, you’ll need to choose a diaper that is best suited for your baby and your lifestyle. All-in-one, pocket, one-size, organic? Yes, there is a lot to choose from and to make this decision-making easier, do go ahead and check out the Diaper Guru resource website. It will make finding the perfect cloth diaper for your baby really easy for you.

Diaper Pail and Wet Bags

You need to put dirty and wet diapers somewhere, right? So, get a diaper pail, preferably with a lid on it to keep odours away. You can also use a wet bag to keep soiled diapers until you wash them. Make sure you empty out the diaper pail or wet bag every 2 days if not more and wash it down with disinfectant.

Cloth Diaper Detergent

Keeping cloth diapers clean is important and choosing the right detergent will ensure that not only are your diapers super-clean but also that they last longer. How do you wash cloth diapers is a question we answered in the first post in the series. So, do check it out and choose the right detergent for baby’s diapers.

Clean Diaper Storage

So, you see, you don’t actually need a LOT when starting out with cloth diapering. A few essentials and you’ll be on your way using the best, safest and gentlest diapering solution for your bundle of joy. Questions? Ask the Diaper Guru or join the Smart Baby Community on Facebook and ask away. We look forward to making cloth diapering happy for both baby and you.