Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cloth Diapering Recommendations for Every Budget

  One of the most common reasons new parents resist cloth diapering is the initial startup cost involved. That’s right. We hear “It’s too expensive”, “How can I know my baby will like cloth diapers without spending so much?” “ Disposables are cheaper. There’s always a deal on them. “ So, today, we thought it will be a good idea to see how you can find cloth diapering options to suit any budget, big or small:

Affordable Cloth Diapering Solutions for Starters

If you’re just starting out and need cloth diapers to test out whether they’d be worth it or not in the long run, you could consider Econobum which is a one-size cloth diaper cover that fits perfectly over your prefolds and costs just INR 769. Using these will give you an idea of whether or not a one-size cloth diaper cover when paired with a suitable insert is easier for you.

Mid-Range Cloth Diapers for Intermediates and Graduates

Ready to move up from the experimenting stage? Take a look at the Flip range of diapers. Starting at INR 1, 199 for a diaper cover and insert, it is the perfect way to test out a hybrid cloth diapering solution and see the difference it makes to your baby and you. If you want something that is even better, you can consider our Flip Day Pack that starts at 3,550 and include everything a mom needs – 2 one-size covers and 6 stay-dry inserts!

High-End Cloth Diapers for Those Who Want the Best

Finally, if you’re really committed to cloth diapering, there is no stopping you in terms of choices and options. The bumGenius Freetime is perfect for those of you who want an all-in-one one-size cloth diapering solution. No stuffing, no inserts, makes it the easiest diapering system, perfect for those leaving baby with care providers or at daycare. The bumGenius Elemental and the Flip Organic are great choices for those parents looking for not just a cloth diapering solution but an organic and eco-friendly cloth diaper as well. The bumGenius Elemental is a no-stuff cloth diaper made of the softest, natural fibers and easy to care for as well. Priced at INR 1, 650 for one diaper, you save when buying in bulk packs of 3, 6 and 12 diapers. So, if budget is stopping you from investing in cloth diapers, choose one that is right for you to get started and then, commit to cloth diapering once you’re absolutely sure about how wonderful it is. Have more questions? Go ahead, ask us in the Smart Baby Facebook community and help us help YOU!